Plant this beautiful Lavender by Better Homes & Gardens in numbers to create colorful borders or in container gardens to add instant spring color! Lavender is a fragrant plant that sends up deep purple flowers above its narrow gray-green foliage. Lavender needs full sun and well-drained soil. It is beautiful in perennial borders and cottage or herb gardens. It will also grow well in containers. Lavender blooms from early to late summer. This aromatic plant is popular for cutting for bouquets or to dry for year-round enjoyment. Pollinators are attracted to this plant but deer aren’t. Plant this gorgeous flowering lavender in your favorite porch or patio planter or in garden beds to bring instant color to your outdoor living spaces. Mix it with other complimentary outdoor decor to create a welcoming space for hosting and entertaining. For healthy plants that will bloom all season, water until plants are established. Then simply water as needed. Enjoy the colors of Spring!
- 5-PK Q-1.00 BHG Lavender Scent
- Full Sun
- Outdoor Garden
- Perennial
- Water When Dry
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