Garden State Bulb Premium Mojito Taro Elephant Ear bulbs are 7 to 9 inches in circumference and carefully hand-picked and checked for quality before shipment. Primarily grown for its spectacular foliage, our Mojitos feature long stalks and chartreuse green, heart-shaped leaves. This tender perennial prefers moist areas that are located in partial sun to partial shade and will add an unforgettable tropical focal point to any garden or patio. Easy to grow and an excellent plant for containers that can be brought indoors during the winter in cooler zones. Elephant ears love water and nutrients and can be deterrent to deer and rabbits.
- Bulb Size: 7" to 9" Circumference
- Hardiness Zone: 7 to 10
- Light Requirements: Partial Sun
- Includes Bag of 1 Mojito Taro Elephant Ear bulbs, temperature controlled and shipped with care
- Perfect tropical foliage for beds and borders, near ponds or in large containers
- Gorgeous perennial with long stalks and large, heart shaped green leaves with specks of dark purple to black
- Maturity Height: 24" to 36" Tall
- Easy to Grow, Low Maintenance, Good For Containers, Foliage, Deer Resistant, Rabbit Resistant
- Elephant ears grow best in partial sun to partial shade in organically rich, moist soil