CLEMATIS: Always called the "Queen of Vines," nothing else makes the spectacular show of a clematis in full bloom. In almost all zones, these magnificent plants decorate mailboxes, trellises and porches with cascades of some of the most beautiful blooms in the flower kingdom, and they're not difficult to grow. There's no reason you can't add them to your landscape. Clematis 'Rouge Cardinal'. Large single, velvety crimson 4-6" flowers with red antlers, in early to late summer. Borne on last and current season shoots. There is an old saying with Clematis; "Tops in the sun and feet in the shade." In other words the vine blooms best in the sun and benefits from a cluster of small plants, planted around the base of the plant. Many people simply plant a ground cover like ivy, myrtle, or pachysandra around the plant to shade the base. Clematis does best in fertile, humus rich, well-drained soil. Mulch well with composted manure or compost. Feed once a month with a well balanced fertilizer during the growing season.
Red/Rouge Cardinal Clematis Vine - Velvety Crimson Flowers - 2.5" Pot