Sagina Subulata, Irish Moss Ground Cover, Pack Of 4 Plants: If you are on the search for a grass substitute for the fairy garden, Sagina subulata is a great option. It also works well on walkways and between stepping stones. It features bright green moss-like foliage that forms a dense, cushy mat. Expect translucent white flowers in the springtime. They have a light, pleasant fragrance. Relatively easy to care for, this herbaceous perennial should be grown in partial sun to full shade. It tolerates light foot traffic.
- Plant Type: Perennial
- Zone: 4 - 9
- Light Requirements: sun - partial shade
- Blooms: May - July
- Growth Habit: mat forming
- Flower Color: white
- Height: 1.00 in - 2.00 in
- Height on Delivery: 1.00 in - 2.00 in
- Spread: 8.00 in - 12.00 in
- Use: collections, ground cover plants, plants
- Care: This is a very low-maintenance ground cover. Its mantra is "everything in moderation". Give it medium moisture, dappled light (with more sun than shade), and here-and-there feeding, and it will be happy. It does like some richness to its soil. You may want to pull out spent flower stems from time to time to keep this ground cover tidy, but this is not really necessary.
- Note: Any accessories pictured are not included, for illustrative purposes only.